What is Transformation through Pain Explained

Most people experience transformation through pain! They go through a significant emotional experience before they embrace massive transformation in their life, they go through some sort of a painful event or trauma or a drama that is emotionally, physically, financially or mentally painful for them before the change

As a transformational coach, I am always asking the questions “Can I hear their story”. I listening deeply to see if I can find the pattern that led to this place of darkness, what I call the valley of despair. In my experience, this story always starts with a decision that goes against their true nature, a wrong decision, or bad decision, or maybe just a decision that limits their options for the future, and this decision is followed by a period of denial, of doubt, or of desperate activity until finally they ask “How can I break out of this bad situation”, and they start looking new choices, new options. They start looking for a transformation in their life.

I call this process The Heart Beat of a Story. Essentially it’s the deepest patterns that brought them to that point where they are ready to change. From that, I can backtrack to the one point, that one decision, and all the beliefs, strategies and actions that brought them to where they are today. Once I identify this, we can change it. That’s why it’s called the Heart Beat of a Story.

This is a Clip from Fresh Coffee Coaching Episode 02 – The 2 Paths To Personal Transformation

Watch the Full Episode here : https://youtu.be/IGEuge4FHJk

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